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A moment of your time before sharing 10 Things to Know before Buying a Jetpack, Flyboard or Hoverboard. It makes good sense to understand the essential differences between these exciting aquatic aviation products we refer to as “hydroflight systems”. Let’s consider the three contestants for your vote:

The New Generation of Flyboards

Flyboard design has changed the whole experience for beginners and pros alike. The new Pro Series from California Flyboard enables a smoother transition towards a vertical experience. Safe and easy, learn in minutes and receive the ultimate feeling and freedom of flight. View it on video right here.

buy flyboards online

The Hoverboard by ZR

Designed to provide a horizontal water flight experience, it allows the user to surf the sky. If you love board sports this is the experience for you. Get around at speeds of 13 mph and soar the skies for an awesome experience. View the video for the full experience.

The Hoverboard by ZRThe Jetpack by ZR is the lightest and most efficient jet pack on the market. The weight of Jetpack by ZR is a big deal especially considering it's strapped to your back and you are on 12ft plus tubes of water! It’s fun and intuitive design makes it easy to fly. View the video and decide for yourself!

Jetpack by ZR

In-Depth Research

Before deciding you are ready to dive in and buy the hydroflight system that impresses you most, go through these important considerations. Read these "10 Things to Know before Buying a Jetpack, Flyboard or Hoverboard." It's like a practical buyer's guide and serves as a checklist before taking a leap in faith!

1. Do the math - Just as you have been watching endless videos of people showing off big time on huge jets of water; spend time searching the social media for the real costs. It is important to know what it cost before you can work out if you can afford the financial outlay.

2. What do you get for your money – Do your homework on parts and accessories so that you know what you are in for when something goes wrong or needs replacing.

3. Beware of hidden costs – Are you up to speed in the skills area? Have you flown solo before? If not, you need to factor in some hefty training costs

4. Is your new hydroflight machine for private or commercial use? This question needs answering before it comes to deciding which hydroflight system is right for you. If buying for your own private use, you have a lot more choices and flexibility. If you are buying to build a business you face different criteria

5. Check the quality – Like anything else in life there are varying degrees of quality in the aquatic aviation sector. Know what you are buying.

6. Safety factors – Do the research. Read the blogs and follow the reviews

7. Before you decide - Take an informal poll of at least twenty people outside your normal circle to see which device looks more exciting, more dangerous, more user-friendly, etc. The responses may change your thinking

8. Million-dollar question – Before spending a cent, ask yourself where you plan to be in the short, medium and long term when taking on this awesome sport

9. Who to buy from – the options are endless, so choose an innovative enterprise after completing your research

10. Decision time - What’s it to be? Jetpack, Flyboard or Hoverboard?

Time to stop dreaming and start flying!



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